Monday, June 29, 2009

We have a problem...

Hello! It seems that I am having a problem with my fonts all coming out coded. If anyone knows why this is please let me know. And if you notice this being encoded, again, let me know! I am trying to resolve this problem as soon as possible...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Busy Busy!

Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted. And I apologize about that. Seems as time goes on, it gets crazier and crazier as everyone is getting ready for the biggest event of the year, FAIR! And it's almost here, barely two months away. All the people showing dogs this year are perfecting their obedience, showmanship, and for some, drill team. Excitement is starting up as the time draws near....
Those who show obedience and showmanship, or just one, are perfecting their skills for this year. Drill Team is doing that as well as memorizing and perfecting their routine, which will be shown at State and County Fair this year. After a break from showing last year, Drill Team is ready to rock State again this year!
Mm, fair. Fair is a time of fun, excitement, hopefully winning some ribbons and trophies, hanging out with friends, hot sticky days, and loving the fair food. :) How can you not? Fair is one of the biggest events around here, nearly everyone looks forward to Fair.
To anyone reading this, please comment and let us know that you actually read this! Sometimes it's a bit hard to tell if anyone really is reading it....if nothing else let us know on the poll. Thanks! And I will write soon...until then!